Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

I am a black man and I find the some of the weaves on the black women repulsive and dont get me started on the blonde haired black women.

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

FIRST OF ALL..... CTGIRL09 I am gonna comment on the ignorant comment that made the pathetic attempt to question his race by saying "sureeee you're black" let me just say first of all that he is a personal friend of mine, and I know he is black.

Second of all, to answer the question about the weave and dying it blonde lol let me just say this is a hilarious question Marc, cuz I know how bad it annoys you. So my perception is.... they wear weave and extensions made out of human hair (for the good stuff) to make their hair look more like a white girls hair. White women and asian women have the nicest hair....of course they can have bad hair, if they don't take care of it, but it is def not as bad as black women's hair. I assume they dye it lighter for the same reason, because they want to look more like a white girl, because it does look absolutely ridiculous on them, no matter what their skin tone is. As for the reason they want to look like white women, well isn't it obvious, because all the black men love us and all I have to say is this......

Often imitated never duplicated....just like Porsche baby....there is no substitute for a sexy white girl.

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

Not all black women who dye their hair blonde want to look white. There are black women with Afros that are blonde; and many white women cannot achieve this look. I do not straighten my hair, but if I choose to, it's because I want a different look. Report It

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

I think black women look beautiful with their natural textures, and find that many black women would look more beautiful than the relaxed hair that they are currently sporting Report It

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

I actually feel bad for you that you think this way while Hollywood female celebrities continue to inject their lips with silicone, get implants, and spend countless hours in the gym doing squats to get a curvaceous butt. Report It

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

Meanwhile, the popularity of hip hop and black women in them has influenced today's generation--with white women attempting to gyrate and imitate many of the sexy moves that you see in the videos. Report It

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

If it weren't for black people's influence on pop culture, I'm not sure what American music would sound like today, and I know as far as dance moves, the "two step" would still be the craze. Try doing that for your man, if you have one. Report It

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

Black men who are solely attracted to white men usually find them easy (sexually), easy to dominate, or have misconceptions about black women due to stereotypes and poor depictions of black women in the media. Report It

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

I don't know what gave you the impression that white women are the sexiest in the world. Report It

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

I would have this ignorant female to know that white as well as other ethnicites also wear extensions, nowadays just as much as blacks. Jessica Simpson has her own extensions line. Be informed before you make such ignorant comments.Grow up and stop being so vain! Report It

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

I really don't know what to tell you. I guess because some are lazy, some want a hairstyle quick and some like to change up frequently. I used to wear weaves but stop when I realized what they were doing to my hair. I don't like them. So, I can't really answer this question I guess.

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

sureeee....ure black... well any ways if the black woman skin is of a lighter complexion it does look nice on them..but the darker skin... i think thats just something the hood rats do.....but wats wrong with a weave..personally i dont wear them because they can cause hair damage, but repulsive i dont think long as its not so obvious thats is fake..

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

Insecurity! Can't find a man/gal so they go all out and try different looks!

All that perms, and dyes just clog/poison up the natural water supply. Stay Natural!

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

Well its looks good on some

if thats what they wanna do then let them

its their hair

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

honey me too. i'd never do anything like that to my sandy brown hair but my twin wants to. i think its because our older cousins do it. and they do it because they are model like and can pull it off cause they don't go all out (like blonde weave). theres a girl in my lunch with blonde hair let me ask her and i'll git back at ya

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

Wearing weaves, hairpieces, and altering hair color is not exclusive to black women, my brother. Ever seen how many white women walk around in bleached blonde hair that is more orange than blonde? First of all, there's no accounting for poor taste. This current trend of blond hair among black women is just that....a trendy fad. It will pass, and I hope quickly. Weaves are progressing to look more natural. Some women have a compulsion to change their hairstyles, and a lot of women still equate feminity with a long hair. If I were a Black woman, I would celebrate the fact with a short cropped cut or natural braids or a welled groomed Afro. I'd also own a great collection of brightly colored scarves which Black women can wear and look so chic. Most of us would do better do go with what God gave us, maybe add a few hightlights close to our natural color, but not play around too much with colors and styles clearly intended for someone with a different complexion or eye color. You can't mess too much with Mother Nature and not come out looking odd. But you know the old saying, "Changing her mind is a woman's perogative." So is changing her hair.

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

The weave thing, I don't understand it either. They say they weave what that can't achieve. Some black women don't have the time and patience to let their own hair grow, or willing to take care of it. The blond hair, can't explain it. Seen it, and still don't believe it.

Why do black women do stupid things to their hair such as wearing weaves or dying it blonde?

I don't wear weaves and have never worn one in my life. Anyways, why is it repulsive that black women get heat about wearing weaves, but other cultures don't?! A weave and hair extensions basically serve the same purpose- to thicken the hair or make it longer. There is nothing wrong with self-expression. I thank God that not all people in the world are as judgemental as you. Seriously, so what if a black woman dyes her hair blonde. If you're not paying for it, mind your own business.

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