Monday, July 27, 2009

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

My hair stylist says that it is not good that I straiten my hair all the time and she insists that I give my hair a "break" just for a month or so... so it can have time to relax from all the blow-drying and straitening. I told my mom that and she said that that's not true because people back in the day used to straiten their hair all the time because that's all they had, and nothing happened to her hair back when she did it. She asked her friends and they were kind of agreeing with her that it's fine to straiten your hair like every three weeks, like I do. So, should I listen to my own hair stylist or my mom and her friends? =\

PS:: I really like my hair straitened because it makes me feel better as a person, so it's kind of a hard decision to get something else for a month, like long cornrows or something? And weaves are too expensive!! =[

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

Your hair stylist is right it is not always good to put heat on your hair .Getting your hair braided will give your hair a chance to recover from the heat damage.I often get my hair straighten but for about two months out of the year I get my hair braided.

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

If your hair looks damaged, then listen to your stylist. If your hair looks healthy, shiny then listen to your Mom and straighten it every three weeks.

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

every three weeks is a good way to straighten your hair....i think you should listen to your mom and her friends.....they're right.....and I'm not saying that your hair stylist is wrong but just do what makes you feel comfortable

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

I have the same problem and i think that you should listen to your hair stylist because that's what she went to school for... just give it a break for a couple of months and you will See difference...and after that just straighten it every once in a while

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

Hey, i would listen to the hair stylist because they know more about hair %26amp; yes ialso use flat iron my hair and it did break after a while and my hair stylist also told me to take a break from using flat irons . You don't have to use a pack a braids or weaves. just wear your hair natural.

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

well it does kill your hair and leave it dry depending on how you treat your hair if u go to the store and buy like a heat protector for your hair so it won't get all dry they it shouldn't be bad for your hair becuase i striahgten mines everyday and use it and mine doesn't get dried up so does my cousin you use a flat iron or hot comb?

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

im not black so im not sure

but my black friends get Perms... They perm their hair straight and it stays straight for a REALLY long time. It always looks really good, and it lasts. ask about doing that, that way you dont have to straighten it.

My other black friend straightened her hair all the time... the only thing is you need a really good quality straightener so that it does a lot less damage. If you dont want a straight perm i suggest buy a CHI straightener. thats what my friend used and her hair was healthy.

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

Well if you hair is healthy then i don't see what the propblem is if your straighinting it ever 3wks. Make sure you use a heat protectant when and try not to use heat at the highest setting. If you start seeing any problems and are breakage then maybe you should stop.

This is a question for people who have good knowledge of Black hair?

Your stylist know best.....When you straighten your hair so much it does get very weak and will start to fall out. You need to get a deep conditioning and wear some protective styles that will help get hair get into better shape.

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