Don't get offended; I'm a BROTHA! Also, take heed that I have said MANY, not ALL! Y'all know that I'm telling the truth! I like it when y'all have some of those extensions and weaves and stuff (I ain't gon' lie; y'all DO look kind of sexy in them!), but I just wanna KNOW why many of y'all don't grow your own hair.
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
To be honest I think that a lot of black women don't know how to take care of their hair properly and keep it healthy. Instead of learning how; they straighten it, bury it in wigs or weaves, or keep it braided.
Black hair doesn't really grow any slower than women's hair of other ethnicities. When a woman has naturally afro-textured hair it may look like it is short because it is very curly. The moment it is straightened you see that the hair isn't short at all but usually at or past the shoulders. The reason why black women have to get their hair repermed so often is because of new hair growth so to say that black hair doesn't grow fast is false.
Here is a good site for women interested in taking care of their natural hair. It gives really good tips for how to grow it out.
I have been using this site ever since I made the decision to go natural and my hair is now down to the middle of my back.
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
In a nutshell, the processes that we put our hair through (chemical, heat, etc.) cause a lot of DAMAGE. It isn't that our hair doesn't grow, it's that is break and falls out due to all the damage.
If you were to take a black woman with natural hair, you'd see that she may have longer hair than those of us who process our hair. The unprocessed woman's hair may not appear as long at first, though because the untreated hair may be twisted in a natural style or look "drawn up."
Why do we do so muc that damages our hair just so it can be straight?
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
I will be honest. I am offended but I will answer your question. I am a sista with a decent length of hair(almost midback) and I think what it is that most of us don't know how to take care of our hair so that it will grow. Some of our methods to style our hair are a bit harsh and that causes breakage which means the hair can't grow. If you want to see a busload of beautiful sistas with long, beautiful, natural hair go to You won't be disappointed.
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
well i am a sista an i think that it is just because our cant grow and some of the products on the market are made for white girls hair and not for us so it will grow they hair an not us......and by the way sistas is sexy as hell in some good weave
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
hmmm...well i can "grow my hair" (you sound extremely ghetto by the way) and i guess its because african hair grows the slowest and you have to take care of it. i dont use relaxers or chemicals n **** but a lost of black girls do because society paints a european picture of beauty = finer hair. so instead of doing it the tough way - wash. blow dry, flat iron - many use relaxers then dont take care of their hair...extentions are used among all races esp. white celebrities and poor black ppl. i think fake hair is gross kind of unless its braids and im not a big fan of them either. i generally hate mixed and black im not atrtacted to like 99% of black guys. they are ugly and the hair is just another deduction. its like i already have to deal with my own hair i dont want a bf who has crap for hair too! lol thats just me.
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
hold on boo, im speakin 4 ALL black women... it dont matter whether we baldhead or got hair down our backs- WE ARE STILL BEAUTIIFUL!!! and speaking as a woman with a full head of hair, i admire women that rock da short do
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
I"m not offended my your question as my hair is really long (mid back) but alot of black women have a hard time because they keep cutting it to keep up with shorter trendy hairstyles.
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
Well..... All black s don't have the same texture hair do to mixing with different cultures. I have long hair. Otherwise I don't know too much about black hair because I don't have that problem of growing my hair.
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
well for one, i cut my hair or grow it out depending on my mood and Yes it grows. ppl need to realize that products are not geared towards the ealth of our hair. my hair is thick and plentiful but not too long( a lil below shoulders) as i stated that before about growing it out. some ppl just dont know how to back away from the heat, relaxers, and dyes.... I know lots of black women with shoulder length to waist length hair. actually all my gf's have long hair... where do you live?
and to the wto im not blak but my hair, etc, he was not asking you, he said Black women....
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
i gots my own hair,
and because they want to
Why is it that MANY Black women can't grow their own hair?
cuz black women dont need long hair to hide their faces they naturally pretty unlike some other people.
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