Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is it bad to wear a weave for a long period of time?

I know a good sew-in one can last up to 3 months. i plan on taking it out and having a fresh one sew-in every 3 months, at least for a year or longer if it's okay. So is it bad on our own hair to keep having the weave?

Is it bad to wear a weave for a long period of time?

It is, all the braiding, because it has to be tight, can cause breakage. You would probably then have to shave your hair to get it to regrow healthy if you decide to stop putting in the weave.

Is it bad to wear a weave for a long period of time?

If the weave looks like you had it in a long time or has a smell to it then you may want to consider taking it out

Is it bad to wear a weave for a long period of time?

too much of anything is not safe. A weave should be in temporally

and serve its purpose(thickness, lenght, etc). So many women get caught in the freedom of a weave. If your aim is to grow your hair out, 12-18 months should be a good time to depend on a weave. Please dint forget your mantiance in between your 3 month periods with proper shampoo and condition treatments

Good luck and happy growing

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