Saturday, July 25, 2009

How can I go from Long hair back from short hair?

A couple of months ago I decided it would be great idea to dye my lovely platinum blonde hair brown and not only that but I had it cut from a pob to a short boyish hair do and yes u guessed it I cant stand it.Im gonna try go back blond in a couple of weeks when the colour has faded but i want long hair again does anyone know if I can and if so weave or bond extensions.My hair is shortest at the back of my kneck its about 2 inch the rest is well over 3 inch

How can I go from Long hair back from short hair?

I definately wouldn't redye it because if its brown and you want it blond again, it will turn a weird, glowing redish. It happened to my friend and it just doesn't look natural. And with the extensions, when hair is short, it looks like it grows faster. Its a lot more noticable when its short so I think you should just let it grow out. Wear hats a lot I guess! Good luck!

How can I go from Long hair back from short hair?

easy option: shave it all off and buy a wig ;)

How can I go from Long hair back from short hair?

I don't know about length, but it might be best not to redye your hair blonde because eventually your natural color will come back. When I dyed my hair red it just faded out eventually.

How can I go from Long hair back from short hair?

I have glue bond extensions.

I like them but my hair was long to begin with

I was only getting it to make it alot thicker.

How can I go from Long hair back from short hair?

get a wig until ur hair grows back again.

How can I go from Long hair back from short hair?

use hair extensions

How can I go from Long hair back from short hair?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Natural Homemade Tips for Hair %26amp; Skin

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