hair?? It looks different I know, like it's puffier and curlier but what's the difference in texture or whatever? This is a serious question. I keep reading about weaves and relaxers but i don't know what that is either. I don't know anyone black because they don't really live in my city (its predominantly white and hispanic). This is just out of curiousity thanks!
From reading all these black hair questions its got me wondering, whats the difference from it %26amp; other races?
Tends to be extremely curly, more so than any other "race" I've ever come across
A relaxer is a chemical that basically permantely straightens the hair, the perm is the same as well
From reading all these black hair questions its got me wondering, whats the difference from it %26amp; other races?
Got a few links for you if you're actually interested.
Believe it or not, black hair is a lot different from the hair of other races. It's very tightly curled and fragile and difficult to style, even when it's straightened.
Weaves are hair extensions and relaxers are chemicals that straighten black hair.
From reading all these black hair questions its got me wondering, whats the difference from it %26amp; other races?
African American hair really is unique - it is very brittle and breaks easily, and the hair density is less - although each hair "looks" curly, under a microscope it actually looks straight because of how the hair cuticles dont' stick well to each other.
Due to the dryness and brittleness, additional oils are often added to protect the hair, and the relaxers remove the frizziness that is difficult to deal with. Often times, the purpose of the braids is to also control the hair (they can last 4 - 6 weeks) - with a minimal amount of effort.
From reading all these black hair questions its got me wondering, whats the difference from it %26amp; other races?
Black hair is coarser and with thicker strands and usually very curly. A relaxer makes the hair straighter and a weave is adding extra hair to your own hair. It is like extensions. White people do it too.
From reading all these black hair questions its got me wondering, whats the difference from it %26amp; other races?
What city is that. I need to send some black folks there.
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