Saturday, July 25, 2009

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

All the black women I see straighten their hair to make it look like a white person's or they wear weaves. Why not just embaced it, even if it's unattractive?

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

Just because a black woman wears a weave it does not mean she is ashamed of her natural hair. many wear weaves to experiment or to give their natural hair a rest from stying. black kinky hair is delicate and needs to be handled with care, just like a woolly jumper.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?


Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

hair doesn't need to be restricted to races.

My sister's hair is extremely curly and she is white. If someone wants to straighten their hair then let them! It's their decision.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

No I think its just different styles. Not all black women do that.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

As an afrian-american woman I love my kinky hair.I would admit i weave hair extensions,but not that much most of the time I always goes natural that's the beauty of it.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

stupid question.

you know when I see an attractive black female or male for that matter they are more attractive then white people. They are actually I'd say beautiful. I think it's the skin looks creamy or something but they can be a beautiful race.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

I think natural hair looks nice on black women and is not unattractive. And they take good care of their hair, which is more than I can say for some white girls. Do you have any idea how much those weaves cost?

Also, white women tan, curl and color our hair- does that mean we are unsatisfied with our looks. No, of course not. We simply like to experiment with styles and new looks.

Besides, when is kinky ever a bad thing????

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

It really bothers me, that Yahoo allows people like you to ask these racist and insulting questions, but when other people, and I ask a questiont that follows the guidelines, they remove it.

I looked at your other questions, and you seriously need to get a life.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

Because they have the right to do what they want to their hair

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

Its not about shame. Its about doing what we want with our hair. But, I find it interesting that you dont ask the same thing of asians, they perm their hair and straighten it. White women color, perm, straighten, etc with their hair.

Bottom line, you just have to change up your look every once in awhile.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

..."to make it look like a white person's..." huh? my sister has the curliest hair you'll ever see, my friend has naturally crimped hair oh and btw, they're white. If someone wants to straighten their hair then let them bloody straihgten their hair. sheesh!

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

ha ha! yeah right!

Latinas and Asians have straight hair you know... not just white women

FYI I have met eastern Europeans and Italians with more kinks in their hair than mine! :)

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

racist *********!!!

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

"Happy to be Nappy," embracing my roots, rockin' the locs.

Wool (someone referenced black hair has being like this), is a fabric that many desire. Strong, versatile, long-lasting.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

that is a racist beacause i am black and my hair is not nappy. then agian i an mixed with indian. but that is besides the point. you dont know what the hell you are talk ing about so shut the hell up. what an *** you are.. and the word is not kinky is nappy

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

Annnnnnnd why do white woman with stick straight hair spend a good chunk of their time in front of a mirror with a hot scadling curling iron just so their hair will be curly, why can't they just embrace their natural hair?

Btw, what black woman do you see? the ones in the media? There is a LOT of black woman out there who do have a natural look.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

natural hair is not unattractive. Afro four ever.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

Society makes them ashamed. Whenever you turn on a T.V. you will see models and celebrities and all have CaucAsian features, no matter black,white, asian, Hispanics or any race.. The Media wants every one to look generally the same .

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

You really need some love. How can you learn to hate someone because they are different? Check yourself.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

its not being ashamed it is easier to manage.and style better. to each its on some like it kinky some like it striaghten I DON'T THINK IT IS UNATTRACTIVE BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE'S OF THE BEHOLDER.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

i think it is cool my friend has that hair and a touch it like 10 times a day it feels so good

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

How many white girls do you know who have naturally curly hair and constantly try to straighten it? There are quite a few out there. It's simply a matter of doing something else with your hair. Straight haired girls often get perms to make it curly. I like natural the best, but that's a personal opinion.

By the way, I don't think you meant to hurt anyone's feelings. Sometimes we need to add to our question that we're just curious and not out to defend anyone. There are a lot of sensitive people here. Being defensive has become this country's motto.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

Yet some of you other nationalites claim that Blacks are racist and overly sensitive but I see some of you saying stuff but doing it in a sneaky way that is racist.Some like to wear their natural hair and some dont.How about White Women who like to get butt implants and pump up their lips to have features of the Black Woman.How about that.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

I don't think so. Most are mature enough not to fuss over or loose any sleep over their natural hair characteristics. I don't see the Black woman's natural hair as unnatractive at all. What looks stupid though is when they start messing with it through excessive use of bizarre neon colors or unnatural shapes.

There is a black woman where I work that did something really bizarre a month or so ago. She's go this 'doo that looks like a bucket full of electrocuted worms with red highlights nailed to her head. I can look beyond her excessive girth, and her less than average looks but that hair is just plain scary looking. She looks ridiculous.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

beacause they felt like doin their hair like that.. y r u soo concerned ???

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

OMG, this is another really funny question, see I didn't know that all black people have kinky hair. My hair is curly (ringlets) and I straighten it sometimes because I don't want to wear the same old tired @$$ hairstyle. It doesn't mean that I am ashamed of my hair, I just do not like appearing boring and predictable.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

What is your malfunction? I am going to pray for you, poor girl you just don't know any better. And really you should look into spell check, I believe the word you were looking for was embarrassed. God bless****

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

I know this arab guy tell me he sells hair to black women like a vendor sells hot dogs at a baseball game.

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

b/c it's rare

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?

at least the asians are gettin paid off the beauty supply stores

Are Black women ashamed of their kinky hair?


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