but i dont know much about them. What is the best way to have it done? Around how much will it cost me? does it damage your hair? can i treat it like regulare hair? will it look natural? and last, is it worth the money, and the up keep? thanks!
I wanna get a weave......?
IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHAT STYLE YOU ARE TRYING TO GET, the best way to find out is to go to your local hair store and try out some wigs so that way you can experience what the style will look like on you before you get it done.
GLUEING WEAVE IN THE THE WORST WAY TO GET A WEAVE, BECAUSE WHEN ITS TIME TO COME OUT, you are just pulling your own hair out with the weave becase of the glue,
HUMAN HAIR IS THE ONLY WEAVE THAT CAN BE TREATED LIKE regular hair, some of the weaves look natural, some are worth the $$ and other arent!!!
I wanna get a weave......?
i dont think its worth ur money but when u get it done by a professional will look awsome also get it sew in if u have long hair or medium but if u have really short then u might have to have in glued in not good ummm it depends u will need two packe if u want a full head but if u want some hair left out then maybe one and a half also look online get human hair SO u can treat it like normal hair and make sure to wash ur hair inside and oil ur scalp 3 times a week good luck umm i dont think it dasmages ur hair if u take good care of it
sry for spelling mistakes im typing too fast:0
I wanna get a weave......?
it really depends on what kind you want and where you get it but unfortunately it will probably be pretty pricey. My mom's hair is thinning on the top of her head and she just got a piece and it looks totally real. i was amazed at how real it looked. i never would have known if i just met her. And hers is made out of real hair so you can style it and treat it like its real because it is! I would advise looking for salons that do that kind of thing and call around and compare prices. My mom got hers at New Look Institute so if you have the hair thinning problem you might wanna try them. It doesn't damage your hair. Although it is really expensive!!! but my mom says its worth it. Shop around for the best price before you make a choice. Good Luck!
I wanna get a weave......?
What is the best way to have it done?
sewn in
Around how much will it cost me?
depend on ur stylist but the most ive ever paid was 130
does it damage your hair?
if u dont take care of it but it actually helps it grow
can i treat it like regulare hair?
yes u can das wat its for....those who cant grow buy lol
will it look natural?
yup jus make sure u get da same color as yo hair and cover up them tracks
and last, is it worth the money, and the up keep?
yes and yes
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